Sunday 10 December 2023

Unselfishness IS God: Swami Vivekananda

Consider the following quote by Swami Vivekananda:

"Unselfishness is God."

Consider carefully: He is not saying unselfishness leads to God. He is saying unselfishness IS God.

You can try this: The moment you are unselfish, the moment you use whatever talents and skills you might have for the betterment of the world, the moment you reach out and share what you have with others less fortunate, that very moment your mind becomes silent, you feel peace inside, and your heart wells up with love. This is the surest sign that you have established contact with the divine presence underlying all existence (including you 😊 - hence the statement "God dwells within you!"). The contact happens that very moment, not five minutes or five years later. It's immediate.

Hence this short firm statement: Unselfishness IS God!

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