Friday, 15 December 2023

Gender Neutral Workplaces: Look Straight At Each Other!

Am I the only one observing this or is there really a vibe setting in that men must not look straight back at women while talking to them. That men must look downward or sideways instead of just being normal.

This is crazy! Everyone works together now and we need to be able to simply talk to each other without worrying about all this. I certainly don't bother myself with all this and talk just the same way with everyone regardless of gender.

I think maybe there's an assumption somewhere that all men keep hitting on every woman. If someone is actually misbehaving in this manner at a workplace, there are laws that women can take recourse to. But there's no point being paranoid about this! Myself as well as my circle of male friends have interacted freely with women colleagues and friends all our lives, but we've been very selective about who we've asked out or dated. This is the normal we need to maintain.

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