Saturday, 9 December 2023

An Unpleasant Academic Association

Most folks connected with me here are aware of my stint with Sitare Foundation, an educational NGO started by Amit Singhal, Ex SVP Google. From August 2022 to January 2023 I interacted with and taught students who are extremely bright but hail from families that are grappling with severe financial circumstances. Very rarely have I seen students this committed and it was an absolute pleasure teaching them.

Many many colleagues, friends and well wishers have asked me the following question: If my experience was so academically fulfilling, why did I leave?

I will keep my answer brief, but I think it's important that I answer and clear the air.

A couple of weeks before classes started in September 2022, I came across this article and it sort of shook me up: Google paid former executive $35m after sexual assault allegation | Google | The Guardian (

However, to my credit, I did NOT take it at face value (else I would have bailed out right then) and decided to make up my own mind after interacting with folks and observing the ground reality for myself.

Result: I left as soon as the semester ended.

I don't want to say anything more.

If you ask me, would you send your children to study here? I would answer: If my financial circumstances were so dire that I hadn't any other choice, I would. But if I had other choices, I would explore before making up my mind. I definitely don't see this option as my "top option" (or even a preferred option).

But that's just my personal view. If you differ, I respect your right to do so and wish you the very best with whatever decision you make. My personal takeaway from this association has simply been a reminder of the old adage: "Never judge a book by its cover."

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