Sunday 20 March 2022

Sulli Deals Bulli Deals Flip Flop

To start with, I thank everyone who is working systematically to expose sick behaviour like the below on all sides. Please work in collaboration with our police and legal system. Never take the law in your own hands. That only makes the situation worse.

Found out about the #SulliDeals #BulliBai stuff pretty much as we entered 2022.

Sick! Criminal!

The discourse dips further every single day. As if there isn't even a rock bottom from where we can rise up again.
I'm glad our law and order system cracked down on it and arrested the culprits!

I often say that while we love pointing fingers at others and blaming them, we ourselves aren't always clean. In fact, we are often criminal. Asifa Bano's abduction, rape and murder was one example. Sulli Deals and Bulli Bai are another example. There are many more if you look!

But unfortunately we live in times when there's often just the same stink on the other side. I invite you to view the following video:

Equally disgusting. Equally unacceptable. Equally criminal.

Thanks @AskAnshul on twitter for this expose.

Many of us are championing #secularism (my tweets, facebook posts and blog articles continuously attest to my sincerity). But be assured, all sides have to behave themselves.

I emphasize repeatedly: The cause of ensuring we stay a peaceful, multi-religious, #secular society can be realized only if all parties conduct themselves with dignity.

I end this post by again thanking everyone who is working systematically to expose sick behaviour on all sides. Please work in collaboration with our police and legal system. Never take the law in your own hands. That only makes the situation worse.

Saturday 19 March 2022

Bhutan's Highest Paid Civil Servants

Did you know that the highest paid civil servants in Bhutan are teachers and medical staff?

I invite you to read this article:

There is tremendous long term wisdom in this decision! These are the seeds one must sow for development in its true sense. This is how a society starts evolving in the right direction.

Netherlands' Invisible Bike Lanes

Have a look at this:

They need to play this on the big screen at every climate meeting just to set the tone. This, to me, is the first collective step we need to take to cut down fossil fuel consumption.

I would absolutely love to see Indian cities taking this up!

Making Relationships Work

Strange thing this.

People spend their whole lives trying to make relationships work. Ought to be the other way around! Your relationships/friendships should be making your life work.