Monday, 25 December 2023

India: A Multitude Of Linguistic, Cultural and Religious Identities!

Think about this deeply:

India has a multitude of linguistic, cultural and religious identities living together as one people. Travel from North to South and East to West and you will find Punjabi Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians; Tamil Hindus, Muslims, Christians; Bengali Hindus, Muslims, Christians; Marathi Hindus, Muslims, Christians; and so on...

The sensible way to think is that we have Punjabis, Tamilians, Bengalis, Marathis, and a multitude of other linguistic and cultural identities living together as one nation, one unified identity: Indian. And religion is simply an individual choice - that's all.

However, over the last few years we've been made to think absolutely in the opposite way. We are obsessing about religion and forgetting that someone is actually simply an Indian Punjabi with his/her religious preference or an Indian Tamilian with his/her religious preference or an Indian Bengali with his/her religious preference or an Indian Marathi with his/her religious preference and so on...

Worse, It has become Hindus Vs. Non Hindus!

Look, this is simply the old Divide and Rule political trick at play. Rulers and politicians all through history have used it to retain power. And it's always the common man and woman, i.e. you and me, that gets hurt - never the rulers.

Read about the Mutiny of 1857 and how the British, completely in shock of how united Hindus and Muslims were, officially implemented the Divide and Rule Policy to break us down and retain power. Officially! This is a matter of historical record! From 1857 to the India-Pakistan partition in 1947 to now when politicians openly talk about the electorate being a 80-20 split : it's the same sick game! And we keep falling for it!

This has to stop. Insist that politicians talk only and only about Job Creation, Education, Healthcare, Law and Order, and other sensible matters. If anyone tries to distract you from these, simply tell them to shut up.

(Note: As you reflect on the post above, bear in mind that I have supported the present government every time they acted to cancel minority appeasement freebies (Haj Allowance, PM Iftar Parties, Triple Talaaq, Article 370 - Kashmir lost the moral right to ever demand anything in January 1990). But from 2019 to 2024 their speeches and IT Cell actively spread hatred against ordinary Muslim citizens. Not only can this not be allowed, it is fundamentally nonsensical. To understand this better, I invite you to read: Strike a Pause: Why Push Away Muslims? (

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