Thursday, 14 December 2023

Perfection of Character: The Primary Goal Of Spirituality!

I'm often asked about my views on spirituality. And at least for the last ten years I've consistently emphasized the following:

The core spiritual goal is manifesting the following three qualities in your personality and life: 1) Authenticity, 2) Integrity and 3) Sincerity. One's character is nothing but the combination of these three. And solidification and perfection of character is the primary goal. This is what makes a man or woman out of you.

Once you are committed to the above, by all means use yoga, meditation and any other practices to bring more peace and focus in your life, explore philosophical systems and absorb the best practices of different religions.

But if you don't set your eyes firmly on character perfection, the rest of it becomes just more fluff in your life.

(PS: No, Character perfection does not mean vegetarianism, arranged marriage and always listening to elders :)! Consult a nutritionist and eat the amount of meat your body might need (but no more), consciously and wisely choose who you marry (if you choose to get married at all :)!) but don't play with people and their emotions in the name of "dating", and please do use your own intelligence as your elders may not always be right (but stay honest - indiscipline and independence are different things :)!).

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