Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Women In The Armed Forces

Just had a fascinating discussion on "women in the armed forces". Collectively came to a conclusion that, to me at least, is the wisest viewpoint on this topic that I've seen in a while. Here goes:

As long as the strength of the armed forces, the capability to defend at all times, attack when needed, and win wars, stays the central focus, gender is irrelevant. But the armed forces cannot be allowed to weaken one bit in the name of "gender equality" (or any other form of "affirmative action" for that matter). There are some things that just cannot be compromised. National security is one of them.

Given that pretty much every single sport except soccer (football) has shorter time/space challenges for women compared to men, exceptions aside, for the most part women can probably play a more meaningful role in Engineering and Medical Corps instead of going to the front, where strength, stamina and endurance are of paramount importance.

I think the above is very sensible.

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