Here's a free emotional well being tip based on my life experiences. Maybe it'll be useful for some of you too:
You will likely meet people in life who I classify as Emotional Vampires (or Emotional Parasites if that phrase makes more sense). Here's how you identify them:
Every single time they need emotional support, or a shoulder to cry on, or someone to offload their stress, they will warm up to you and draw as much energy as they need from you. And the minute they're done, the minute they feel better, they're done with you, the "warm spirit of friendship" they came to you with evaporates; you've served your purpose, satisfied their need, and will be brought back to the level of just another acquaintance who has a very measured right to their time till they need someone emotionally once again; then they'll be back to draw more. There's no sense of gratefulness and no friendship consolidates. It's always a one way street.
Keep such people at bay. Life is only dishing out to them what they dish out to others. Let them go through their "anguish" by themselves till they realise that people are not expendable and friendship is always a two way street.
Be good, not stupid. Be useful, but don't allow anyone to use and throw you. Friendship is a beautiful and sacred thing - don't waste it on those who don't genuinely care about you. Be wise - choose your friends carefully.
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