Wednesday, 10 January 2024

The Fallacy of the H-Index

Here's an article by Prof. Mark Guzdial, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, that I highly recommend:

Article H-indices and how academic publishing has changed: Feynman and Einstein just aren’t that impressive anymore | Computing Ed Research - Guzdial's Take (

This is the second consecutive post I'm putting up to emphasize that while I'm in agreement with Indian academia's desire to break away from a "teaching-heavy research-light" mindset and establish a new paradigm wherein teaching and research are emphasized equally - and while I too believe that we can and must make a global impact in knowledge generation (instead of remaining just knowledge transmitters) - merely chasing quantitative metrics that might be in vogue from time to time may not work!

Both posts are probably worth reading together as a single group.

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