Of the four paths of Yoga, some prefer combining Karma Yoga (the path of action), Raja Yoga (the path of meditation and other spiritual practices) and Gyaan Yoga (the path of reasoning and knowledge).
The path of Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion)
doesn't vibe with everyone.
This is absolutely fine.
There is absolutely no need to force theism upon anyone. Theism, or belief in God, is *not* a necessary requirement for spiritual progress. Bhakti Yoga is one of the paths. It is not the only path.
In fact, the path of theism has to be walked with a depth of understanding that very few people have. I invite you to read the following four posts to better understand what I'm pointing at: 1) Strike a Pause: Theism and Goodness (strike-a-pause.blogspot.com), 2) Strike a Pause: Sweet-Talking God? (strike-a-pause.blogspot.com), 3) Strike a Pause: Business Transactions With God (strike-a-pause.blogspot.com) and 4) Strike a Pause: Which Gods Are We Feeding? (strike-a-pause.blogspot.com).
The spiritual goal is to perfect one's character and seek a complete understanding of all existence: internal as well as external. The universe, ourselves and our relationship with the universe. For me, even science seeks to understand all of existence - internal as well as external - so there is no conflict between science and spirituality. (However, based on my experiences during meditation, I would like to see more interaction between Scientists and Yogis and Mystics for a more complete scientific pursuit.)
The preconditions for spiritual progress are a commitment to sincerity and righteousness, honest enquiry, purity of intent and character, and dedication to put forth the required effort.
Belief or faith in any person, being or God is *not* a precondition. As I remark above, Bhakti Yoga is one of the paths. It is not the only path.
Even in choosing someone as your spiritual guide or Guru, better you observe carefully and evaluate critically before reposing your trust in someone. And even after accepting someone as your spiritual guide or Guru, never violate your own conscience or ethical sense no matter what any scripture or person says. Your first and foremost commitment is always towards righteousness and perfection of character. If any scripture or person asks you to do something unethical or immoral, simply walk away.
With the above clarity in mind, obey your spiritual guide or Guru's instructions in a healthy sense of the word "obey" - just as you would need to obey your music or physics tutor if you were to master these subjects!
And that's that :). Move forward step by step, day by day :).
I also invite you to read: Strike a Pause: Spirituality, Religion and Science (strike-a-pause.blogspot.com).
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