Thursday, 23 December 2021

Buy Your Music!

Using a platform such as YouTube to explore music, check out different artists, songs, compositions, is alright. But once you know what you like, it's important that you buy music : either as individual songs or complete albums. Musicians need to earn a living too and if we just listen to music for free, we are affecting their livelihood.

No free smartphones, no free cars, no free colognes and perfumes, no free designer clothes and shoes, no free beer and wine.

Likewise: No free music.

Musicians (and artists in general) struggle to earn a decent living despite working very very hard. They have struggled even more in recent times as many many concerts were cancelled due to Covid19.

If you are a music lover and spot concerts of artists you like, buy a ticket, go. Art enriches us and we support artists. This principle needs to stay alive!

And yeah, if you haven't for a while, buy a record 😊!

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