Monday, 6 December 2021

Regionalism and Religionalism

It is essentially impossible to point unsecular fingers at me. For example, here are my views on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): Strike a Pause: CAA Simply Needs One Modification ( where I argue that the CAA is correct in principle but needs to be modified to include Shias, Sufis and Ahmadis of the Muslim community.

Yet, some statements just outright annoy me! Here's an example:

"Establishing Hindu-Muslim unity is more important than working towards increasing harmony between North and South Indians."

I mean, what does this even mean?

Everyone should be united in this country! I don't care: Hindu, Punjabi, Tamil, Muslim, Telugu, Christian, Bengali, Marathi, Meghalese, ... !

What kind of a thought process is this?

And if the emphasis is on feelings of amity between Hindu majority India and Muslim majority nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, again, what kind of a thought process is this?

Obviously we need to work towards a feeling of unity between all citizens of India first and foremost! If that itself isn't consolidated then where's the hope of any dignified and sustained friendship with any other country?

Last but certainly not the least: I think we've all had enough of which religion is a majority and which religion is a minority! It's a beautiful country we have! Can we just get on with it? I mean I'm consumed the whole day with the work that I need to do, interests I pursue, people I love, ... Where is the time for junk thoughts and junk conversations? Where do people find the time?

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