Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Illegitimate Children?

A conversation yesterday reminded me of a concept I have long questioned:

What exactly does an "illegitimate child" mean? What is "illegitimate" about being a child?

Children are an expression of the divine.

One hopes that a woman doesn't get pregnant without ensuring that proper support mechanisms are in place.

But if she does, or if she is betrayed, then I think it's absolutely ghastly and inhumane of the society to condemn her, and worse, condemn the child by branding it as "illegitimate".

Let's be crystal clear about one thing: A child is first and foremost its Mother's. The Mother gives birth to it. And if a woman wants to give birth and takes up the responsibility of raising the child, everything is legit about it. In fact we as a society should be willing to help in such situations instead of condemning.

Who cooked up these rubbish notions?

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