Sunday, 28 November 2021

Cancel This "Cancel Culture"!

Some of my most interesting, most memorable, interactions have been with people with completely different viewpoints than mine. Because my mind and intellect got pushed, got tested, I learnt, I stayed fresh, alert, alive. This multiplicity of opinions is what makes discussions interesting, parties fun, outlooks fascinating, travels memorable.

More than any other place, such an atmosphere of diverse viewpoints and opinions needs to stay deeply respected, and fiercely protected, in academic institutions. Because these are temples of truth. There is no place for personal egoes, there can be no insistence to conform, to be quiet. The courage to express oneself truthfully, while staying open and humble in the face of the same courage from others, seeking nothing but deeper understandings, no comfort zones, just an unceasing, uncompromising aspiration for truth.

But look what's happening all around! There's a "cancel culture" in place :)!

Leftists are busy cancelling the right, and the right is trying its best to stamp out the left. The moderns hound out every sign of tradition, and traditionalists are stuck in a time lock somewhere! Every single person advocating for social change is convinced beyond conviction that only and only the theories they subscribe to are valid and sound.

Heck, even North Indian and South Indian classical music forms squabble about who is supreme (instead of playing together ðŸ¤¦)!

And don't even get me started on fights over whose God is the real God and which path is the only path ðŸ¤¦!

These are all signs of very degraded, unenlightened and uneducated minds and intellects. This will lead to only pain and misery.

We have to open up, breathe, let others breathe, buy each other coffees and ice creams, and talk and listen sincerely. Sincerely. No bullshit.

We are, and must stay, secondary to truth.

Are you getting what I'm saying?

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