Thursday, 11 November 2021

Spirituality 101

The very first thing, and the central aspect, of the spiritual journey is: Are you willing to help others? Are you willing to give of your time, money, resources and energy to help / uplift another?

If the answer to the above is in the negative, then it does not matter how many temples and churches and mosques and gurdwaras you go to and how often. If you believe in a supreme, all knowing and all caring God, it is only commonsensical to realize that he or she is not desperate for our praises and offerings. Neither is God so stupid that blessings will flow your way even if you don't care about anyone else and keep going Me, Me, Me...

And if the answer is in the positive, if you love, care and share, then which God can turn his or her eyes away from you? You are already growing spiritually and going to a temple, church, mosque or gurudwara is simply an addition in your life. You go to repose, you go to meditate, you go for a quiet conversation with yourself and God, you go to feel silence and peace.

A spirit of service, a spirit of reflection and introspection, a spirit of enquiry into truth: of oneself and the entire existence.

These are the essence of the spiritual path and journey, to me.

Om, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Sat Sri Akal.

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