Friday, 19 November 2021

Everyone Wants To Be A Guru!

Too much "Guru Bhava" (desire to show others the "light"!) on the planet today, and not enough "Shishya Bhava" (willingness and humility to learn!)

Everybody wants to be a Guru here! Everyone carries a supreme confidence that they are right about everything! That they "know"!

Hardly a few want to be disciples! This is upside down!

A little bit of humility probably won't hurt. Take an honest look at yourself and what (and how much) you actually know. Then be willing to think, read, listen, and think a bit more, before you opine on something, or worse, "try to show someone "the way"".

What is the difficulty in this? It's only commonsensical to be this way!

And guess what: If you start being this way, you are for real! This whole burden of continuously projecting yourself as "all knowing" gets cast aside. You can just be normal and live a bit easy. And anyone worth his or her salt actually respects such an attitude.

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