Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The Power Of Renunciation

Renunciation doesn't just mean wearing the ochre robes, although the institution of Sannyaas is by all means an honourable one if embraced with the right intention (a renunciation of material aspirations to live a life focused on a quest for knowledge and committed to service), with due thought and mental preparation, complete integrity, and under the guidance of a spiritual teacher whose purity of character and depth of spiritual realization is well established.

The spirit of renunciation also signifies a capacity to say "Fine, I don't want this, that and the other" if one is required to conduct oneself in a manner that is not palatable or compromise on one's integrity or self respect to achieve any material goal or attain to any post or status.

At any such juncture, if you can say "In that case, I would rather not have it" and continue to live with a sense of contentment and happiness, then the capacity to do so will give you a poise, dignity and mental strength that nothing else can.

Your greatest strength lies in the power to renounce when required.

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