Friday, 8 October 2021

Academic Models Vs Business Models

Academic Models and Business Models differ at a very fundamental level.

The underlying principle of business models is: Money In Money Out.

In academics, the underlying principle is: Money In Knowledge Out.

Knowledge is important in both its aspects: Pure as well as Applied.

"To Know" is important in itself. It's important that we move towards a more knowledgeable and enlightened society.

And when one applies knowledge, the goal once again is to do so through services and products that help mankind. That's the goal. Revenue generation, to whatever extent possible, happens in the process. It's not the goal in itself.

Do you see what I'm saying?

[I also take this opportunity to advocate the setting up of excellent public libraries in each village, town and city in our country. Here is a link that explains this beautiful concept in detail: Public library - Wikipedia. In fact, this is a phenomenon I would love to see spread around the world!]

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