"When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground." -- Old African Proverb.
This is how much knowledge used to be valued 😊!
We kind of miss it nowadays, right 😊? The pleasure of living in a society where we are surrounded by deeply knowledgeable people, where conversations would be enlightening, and "grace" would be in the air.
The fix 😊? Easy 😊:
Step 1: You make sure that *you* are deeply knowledgeable and graceful. Choice of field absolutely yours! Science, arts, philosophy, music, ...
Step 2: The amount of prestige we attach to "being wealthy" : attach it to "being knowledgeable" as well.
In fact, knowledge first - then wealth. Let me explain this by asking a simple question:
Ever met really rich people who are absolutely
uneducated and brutish in their behavior? Can't stand them, right?
On the other hand, simple middle class folks who are knowledgeable and
graceful. Absolute pleasure to be around, right?
So what's more desirable, more valuable?
First knowledge, then wealth. That's the correct order. Both at an individual
as well as societal level. First knowledge, then wealth.
[I also take this opportunity to advocate the setting up of excellent public libraries in each village, town and city in our country. Here is a link that explains this beautiful concept in detail: Public library - Wikipedia. In fact, this is a phenomenon I would love to see spread around the world!]
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