Thursday, 28 October 2021

Brain over Brawn

If you have time to do both: workout physically as well as engage with finer things in life like pursuing literature or art, playing music, being scientifically curious, by all means, do both.

But push come to shove, say you have limited time and have to choose between working out extensively on the one hand vs spending time with literature, music, art, science, on the other : what would you choose?

I would highly recommend more of the latter :) with a bit of the former :) !

Sure you need to do a little bit to keep the body healthy, keep yourself from piling on the pounds, and your muscles toned - but just as much is needed ought to be enough :) !

Your intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual growth is far more important!

As a friend once remarked: These "gymming shymming dudes" who've never read a book aren't very smart. At the end of it all, they are neither left with their "stud bodies" nor have they grown intellectually or aesthetically! What a waste!

I agree with him 100%.

We keep our bodies fit so that we have the capability of pursuing something higher! We are not just our bodies! "Shaping our bodies" is not an end in itself!

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