Friday 20 September 2024

Crybaby Love Songs

Have a listen to these two blues songs:

"Still Got the Blues" by Gary Moore: Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues [HD] (

Both unbelievably beautiful guitar players that almost every guitar player I know tries to learn from!

Yet, the lyrics infuriate me!

You fall in love? Great! It doesn't work out? So what? She/He leaves you? So what? Let them go!

Why this crybaby attitude towards love and life? Wuuaaannn Wuuaaannn 😭 she left me, he left me 😭 Wuuaaannn Wuuaaannn 😭!

Have some self respect! Stand still on your two feet and know that you are fine as you are! So what if things didn't work out? At least you experienced what it is like to love! Be grateful for that! And move on...!

Never ever let go of your self respect! Never! Never Ever Ever!

(PS-1: You want to know what worked for me 😉? Maths and Science 😉! Linear Algebra...Aa ha ha...Partial Differential Equations...Aaa Ha Ha...Fluid Dynamics...Classical Mechanics and Hamiltonians...Organic Chemistry...Genetics... 🥰! Yummy 😋! Are you getting what I'm saying? The core of your life has to be spending time with your passions! And relationships, if and when they happen, add to your happiness, and if things don't work out you still have your passions and the happiness they give you! Get it?)

(PS-2: Love songs need to be about love, about longing, about missing folks you love when they aren't around, about the happiness they bring when they are, not this self respect eroding stuff 🤦!)

Note: All the above of course holds for all genres, not just the blues! It's just that I'm writing about what I'm more familiar with...

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