Saturday 5 October 2024

What are we teaching our children?

Several years ago when I was on the faculty of IIT Delhi I went for an IIT-JEE Exam Invigilation duty to a school in Delhi. As you entered, there was a quotation in large font for all students to read everyday. It went something like: "Power is not given, it has to be snatched."

What you are seeing today in the society at large is nothing but the result of such rubbish put into children's heads early on.

You and I are here only for a few decades. What is our short lifespan in the context of life on Earth?

Forget power! What power? Look around you, resolve to leave this world a bit better, a bit more beautiful, when it's time to leave. And work towards that objective incessantly, relentlessly. That's a life well lived.

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