Friday 9 February 2024

And Pre-Historic Caveman Politics Is Back!

I invite you to read this article: Rahul Gandhi says 'INDIA bloc will remove 50% cap on reservations if voted to power' - India Today 

And there we go, while one side is fighting elections with a Hindu-Muslim Divide and Rule strategy, while having given us nothing better than a Chai Pakoda and Gau Mootra Dibhlopment Moddel, the other has decided to fall back on the Caste Agenda.

The 2014 promise of a Development Centric Governance with emphasis on Education, Healthcare, Job Creation and Law and Order is already history. It took just five years to start erasing the agenda, and then just five more for the age old shit politics to take centre stage again.

I despise the British for the havoc they created all over the world as much as any educated person, but remember, always remember, that they reserved the epithet "Bloody" only for Indians in their whole empire. They never used the phrase "Bloody Caribbeans", "Bloody Africans", etc. Only "Bloody Indians". And for good reason, as we prove repeatedly!

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