Thursday, 24 February 2022

Physical Attractiveness: Not An "Essential Qualification"!

When I take a flight, I look for the following qualities in flight attendants:

1. Efficiency.
2. Courtesy.
3. The confidence that they are trained and fit to handle emergency situations.

That's it.

Neither gender nor how "physically attractive" they are plays any role whatsoever in my mind.

It's your level of skill and competence that needs to count, not how "good looking" you are.

Is this how flight attendants are hired today?

(And stretching Point 3 further: Aren't track suits and sneakers the best possible uniform for flight attendants, police personnel and every profession where athleticism is of paramount importance and not fashion and "looks"?)

Note: My use of " " for the phrases "physically attractive", "good looking" and "looks" is to firmly emphasize that beautiful cannot be stereotyped. Glow with goodness from within and keep yourself fit - that's it - you're then quite beautiful!

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