Monday, 24 February 2025

University Rankings: U Zurich Leads By Example

Sometime in 2012 a colleague had asked me if we'll ever see a return to quality over quantity in Indian academia. I had calmly told him that someone in the west will have to take the first step, then it'll take another decade or so for us to accept that we've been following an incorrect principle like idiots because we don't have convictions of our own, then we'll start chanting quality over quantity, quality over quantity, quality over quantity, as if we had thought of it ourselves!

Here. The process starteth 😊:

Please read: University of Zurich Quits International University Rankings

To quote: "According to the Swiss university, rankings often focus on measurable output, creating an incentive to increase the number of publications rather than prioritise the quality of content."

🤞. Hopefully academia will return to what it is meant to be about: academics.